Make your computer to run 200% fast [New trick in 2020]

Ranjeet Poudel(Admin)
By -

While using our computer, our computer or laptop get slow due to the various i will suggest you five most important trick to make your computer to run faster than you aspect.

1. Disable startup program
There are many software or application which are running in the background. We can disable them and makes our PC or laptop fast. To use it we can press Ctrl+Alt+Del.

2. Windows update
To disable the windows auto update we can press window +R and type services,MSC and enter it and disable windows update. But it is very necessary to update our windows twice in a month.

3. Clean storage
There are many files and folder in our computer. Due to this our PC will of unwanted files. So, it is very necessary clean storage.

4. Delete unwanted application and software
We have to delete unwanted application which we are not 
using for many times.

5. Stop notification and tips and tricks from PC
We can stop unwanted notification from our system
to run our computer fast.

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